The MSD Join4Care Award jury was composed of an independent, highly qualified core jury and an expert jury.
The core jury evaluates all submitted projects using an evaluation sheet and selects the finalists.
The core jury is made up of stakeholders from politics, cancer aid, patient representatives, pharmacies and care.
THE CORE PANEL 2023/2024

Mag. Nina Bernhard, Bakk.
Austrian Cancer Aid Styria

Dr. Martin Gleitsmann
Policy Expert and Strategist for Health, Social and Labor Market

Univ.Prof.Dr. Helmut Ofner
University of Vienna – Professor at the Faculty of Law

Univ.Prof.Dr. Rolf Stahel
President, ETOP IBCSG Partners Foundation

Harald Titzer RN, B.S., M.S.
President AHOP
The expert jury evaluates the presentations of the finalists and nominates the winner on site at the award ceremony. The expert jury is composed of renowned oncologists in Austria and is newly appointed every year.
Prim.a Priv.-Doz. in Dr. in Birgit Grünberger
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jost
Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eisterer
AT-NON-01499, created February 2024
AHOP = Arbeitsgemeinschaft hämatologischer und onkologischer Pflegepersonen in Österreich
ETOP = European Thoracic Oncology Platform
IBCSG = International Breast Cancer Study Group